Tuesday, December 8, 2009

"Free Will"

Imagine this: you were given life but not the "free will" to choose how you will live it. Imagine that you did not have the power to choose how you treated the people around you, even yourself, what you took , or din't take from life experiences, who you choose to spend your time with, if you were devoted to your higher purpose, or not, if you pursued your dreams, or not, or simply how you lived your life in general.

Sit with that thought for a moment. How does that feel to you? When we stop to think about what it would be like to not have a choice as to how we will live our lives, we can appreciate more deeply just how beautiful the gift of "free will" is.

Although we may not choose, at all times, what life may bring to us, who may come into our lives, and go out of it, we still have "free will". We have the power to choose how we will interact with the majestic and divine experience that we call, "life"; even in places of the world where it may be limited to ones inner journey alone.

Think about it: you have the power to choose how you will live your life! What does that look like to you? How does that make you feel? Most importantly, what will you do with it?

May you find clarity in the choices that will best nurture your higher purpose of being.

You are valued!

Many Blessings- RRIII