Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Give Thanks

There are many days that I awaken to the rising sun with the thought: I give thanks to be here, but what about the days I do not. How often to we really awaken with giving thanks just to be? All too often we awaken to the thoughts of what needs to be done at work, around the house, for school, or simply with our day in general. What will I wear today? I forgot to call "so and so" back. Did I pay the power bill? How much money do I have? Do I have gas in my car? Will I have time to enjoy myself today? The list goes on.

In the midst of the questions we pose to ourselves, or statments we make, how often do we ask: What can I learn from this experience, or the next? How can I be of service to humanity? Am I being the best I can be? Am I giving myself enough time in the silence? Am I smiling enough? Am I laughing enough? And, am I giving thanks to just to be here at all?

No matter how busy our days may be, or tend to get, we must remember to give thanks for the gift to be here, and ask how we may use it for the highest good of everyone.

Every moment that you are is a gift; cherish it!

Blessings- RRIII