Sunday, November 14, 2010

Dear Friends...

I am in the process of launching my newly designed website. (SPECIAL THANKS TO BURNSON.ME for making this possible) I will be phasing out my use of blogger, as my new site has my blog incorporated into it. Please take a moment to view my redesigned site:, WATCH the video under STORY, and subscribe to my blogs.

I will be officially launching it Monday, Novemeber 14th. If you find it worthy, please share it with your friends.

I hope you enjoy the site.

I truly value your continued support!

Many Blessings- Ricky Roberts III

Thursday, August 26, 2010

You Deserve Greatness

WE can not choose how others treat us, but we can choose how we treat ourselves. Caring for yourself includes caring how others interact with, and treat, you. If someone does not value your worth, you can honor their choices, without judegement, but you don't have to allow them to be in your life. Ask yourself: if I let someone else not value me, how much do I really value myself?

The truth is: You are a beautiful person. No matter how much or how little you think people understand you for whom you are, you deserve greatness. Whatever you have excepted as love in the past, or how you were treated in your life up to this moment, including childhood, and how you may be being treated in the present; you are worthy of being valued in the highest in most divine form of LOVE, always.

Although every relationship will come with its own barriers to cross,they are not meant to hurt you. In other words, the people you choose to have in your life should help you to see even more clearly how great you truly are, and how joyful life should be. Love is meant to lift you up, not bring you down. This is not to say it is always easy to uphold these standards in your life; letting go of the people/relationships that do not cultivate peace and joy in the way they treat you.

Ultimately, we must love ourselves unconditionally. If you find yourself in a hurtful relationship and perhaps are in one now, remember to be kind to yourself. There is nothing wrong with you and no one has the right to judge you. There is no one else that can do any better than what you're doing right now, including myself. You are the only one who truly knows where you are, and how you feel. Just know: you are special and deserve to be cared for as such. In this moment you are exactly where you need to be.

The answers that you may be looking for are within you. If you can't see or feel the greantess in who you are, right now, I encourage you to find it in the fact that you are choosing to read these words. There is no one else that can love you in the way that you must choose to love yourself, they can only contribute to it. Take a moment to honor the divine perfection that you are in this moment and the next. You are worthy of all that this life has to offer and deserve to know the love that you are and the love that you're meant to receive.


Blessings- RRIII

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Still Here.....

Yesterday (July 6th) was my sister, Tammie's birthday. Tammie passed almost two years ago. She would have turned twenty-nine in her physcial body. There were parts of yesterday that I began to feel myself fall in to the saddness of her not being here, but I then reminded myself that she has not gone anywhere. In every moment that I had to remind myself that she was still with me, I felt her presence as strong as I would if she would have been standing right next to me, in her body. Obviously she was not around for me to hug (physcially) or see her daughter, but she was, and is, still here.

Just because we can not see or touch the people that may pass on from this place, does not mean we ever truly loose them at all. Granted we do loose the parts of them that we become accustom to in our life, in the physcial sense, but the love we share with them never leaves us.

I have known many people who have passed away. Some have been closer than others. In every experience I always do my best to find peace in it and seek the understanding of my self, life, that it has to offer. The passing of my younger sister, however, brought deeper layers of letting go, because of the dynamic of our emotional attachments, than I have participated in before. Although it has been deeper work for me, it has also offered even greater insight to myself, which I give thanks for. It has also showed me more than ever before, just because someone is gone in the physcial sense doesn't mean there gone from our life. She is still here!

Take a moment to acknowledge the peole that may have passed on from your life. Give thanks for the opportunities to have ever know them at all, and stay open to the presence they still have in your life, and always will.

The love you are, as well as the love you share with others, is within you.

Special Note:

If you are dealing with the loss of someone in this moment, I honor your courage to be open to the layers of emotions that may be arising in you. I greet you with compassion and trust that your heart will be reached with peace. In no way will I claim to understand the pain of your experience, but I will say you are not alone. Ride the wave with gratitude. It's okay to be sad, in the same way it is to be happy, just allow yourself to be where you are with the process, always.

Many Blessings- RRIII

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


There is a continous need to grow and expand with the evolution of life. As the animals and nature evolve with time, so shall we. Mother earth as well as humanity, as we once knew it, has changed and will continue to do so. Whether, or not, one sees it as positive or negative, change will still occur.

In the same way that we must change with the environment around us, as it must change with us, we must also change with the evolution of who we are as individuals,in mind, body, and spirit. In other words, as our life continues to change such as our: jobs, relationships, hobbies, physcial apprearance, spiritual awareness, and etc., we must surrender to it with joy. The pain, confustion, and frusturation that we feel, often times comes from the inability to let things do as they are meant to, change.

Change is one of the universal laws of nature; it will happen. The more that we are able to evolve with the inevitable occurence of change in our lives, the more peaceful it will be as it occurs.

Many Blessings- Ricky Roberts III

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Give Thanks

There are many days that I awaken to the rising sun with the thought: I give thanks to be here, but what about the days I do not. How often to we really awaken with giving thanks just to be? All too often we awaken to the thoughts of what needs to be done at work, around the house, for school, or simply with our day in general. What will I wear today? I forgot to call "so and so" back. Did I pay the power bill? How much money do I have? Do I have gas in my car? Will I have time to enjoy myself today? The list goes on.

In the midst of the questions we pose to ourselves, or statments we make, how often do we ask: What can I learn from this experience, or the next? How can I be of service to humanity? Am I being the best I can be? Am I giving myself enough time in the silence? Am I smiling enough? Am I laughing enough? And, am I giving thanks to just to be here at all?

No matter how busy our days may be, or tend to get, we must remember to give thanks for the gift to be here, and ask how we may use it for the highest good of everyone.

Every moment that you are is a gift; cherish it!

Blessings- RRIII

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Let Your Voice Be Heard

There is a voice in all of us, that is silenced, or attempted to be so, at one time or another, by the world/people around us.

From the child who has never been shown what love is, the woman who is stripped of her own worth by an abusive partner, boyfriend, or husband, the elderly who have been forgotten, the homeless person who feel less than human because of the way we look at them, or the person who has simply lost their joy- their own will to live; everyone deserves to know that they are valued, and their cry for love is heard. No matter what category any of us may fit into, the titles we carry, economic class we operate from, skin colors, or gender, we are born with; in truth- we all just want to be loved.

There is no issue, or person, any less important than the other. Simply put; we are all in this together. Take a moment out of each day to look at another person and let them know they are valued, that their plea for love is granted. Sometimes, you don’t even have to say anything, just acknowledge their existence. Whether it be holding the door for someone at the market, or saying a kind word to a stranger, no act of kindness is gone unnoticed, even if you don’t hear the words “thank you.” If we wait to be recognized for everything little thing that we do, we may never do much at all. Often times, we think because we donate money to a charity or go to church every Sunday, we are doing enough. Open up to where you can implement the greatness of who you are, in your daily life, not just in the way that we only think make us "good people".

The whole world is crying to be heard, in most cases, including ourselves. Find your own value-first, so you may use that value in encouraging others to find theirs. If we learn to recognize the value in ourselves, we will recognize the value in each other.

Let your voice be heard so that you may hear the voice of others.


Many Blessings- RRIII