Thursday, July 9, 2009


Often times we only do our best when someone is looking. We do good deeds for people when we will get recognition from others. We do our best at work when we are being evaluated, and/or to get a raise, we do our best in school because of the benefit in getting good grades, we donate money for tax breaks, we help the homeless because we are acknowledged as kind, we perform in sports to win a medal or trophy, and we are even good to our loved ones just to get something in return from them.

How much of what we do is simply just for the sake of doing it. Who are we when no one is looking? What if we didn't get anything in return from anything that we did? What if there was no external reward, or acknowledgment, of the good deeds that you do, the love that you give, or accomplishments that you make? How much of what you do, would you still do?

We have built our society on doing everything with the expectation of getting something in return. Whether we realize it or not, it's there. Whether it be a trophy, financial rewards, or another persons acknowledgement, we desire recognition from outside sources in order for us to do good.

Naturally, I seek the acknowledgement and appreciate it just the same as you. It feels good to be rewarded and appreciated for the efforts that we make in this world. The universe/god honors all of our efforts, all of the time, and will give back to us in the same way that we give to the world. The highest form of gratification that we can get from the goodness that we share can be found within. Although it may feel good to be noticed from an outside source, the beauty comes in knowing the only recognition that we truly need is within the essence of who we are.

Do what is right because it feels good to do it. Welcome, and humbly except recognition of your efforts, whatever they may be, but let it not be the reasons in which you do what you do. Love because it feels good to you, help because it feels right to you, do your best because you know no other way, and give freely because you know the universe gives freely to you.

LOVE/LIGHT- Ricky Roberts III

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