Sunday, April 19, 2009


Often times, when we think of judgement we associate it, only, with passing it on others. Another dynamic of it, however, is: the judgement of the experiences that we are given.

When we experience something that is contrary to the story that we create, or the attachments to them, "it's bad." If something does play out in the direction we want, "it's good." We judge an experience as "good" or "bad" depending on what we think is best for us. If we truly trust in a higher power, in whatever form we choose to honor it, to guide us, we must trust that power at all times. It is not our place to judge the experience as "good" or "bad", anymore then it is to judge another person.

It is the judgement of people and experiences that keep us from truly appreciating the divine work at hand, in every moment that we're given. There are no mistakes in the experiences that you have. Whether they be "good" or "bad", they are another part of the masterpiece being created, YOUR LIFE. Naturally we will feel sad, happy, let down, put up, abandoned, supported, and etc. . However, we are not to judge the experiences that stimulate our feelings, whether they are easy to go through, or not. Although it may be normal for us to question why we must endure things that make us sad, we must find the joy in them in the same way that we find it in the things that make us happy. The same grace that you feel when everything is going "just right" is the same grace that is with you when you feel like everything is "wrong." Either way, you are supported!

Where ever you are, or whatever you may be experiencing in this moment, I wish you well. Seek the higher good in all that is and you will find comfort in all that will be. May your heart be filled with peace and joy.

Many Blessings- RRIII

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Ricky, this is a wonderful way to point out a new way of interpreting our experiences. I agree that it is so important to remember this truth you present in every single situation we face. This is very difficult sometimes, but it is a state of being which brings peace. Thank you for sharing this truth with the world. It has already brought peace to one person, I am sure there are more to follow.