Friday, May 8, 2009

Give Thanks

Through out my life I have been faced with many adversaties, as so many of us have. What may be a challenge for some, may not seem like one for others. Eitherway, we must have compassion for the "challenges" that each of us face. We all have our own journey to travel. Wherever it may take you, or it may take me, we must give thanks to be here. Often times, we can't control what life may bring to us, but we can however, choose how we experience it.

On this day, give thanks just to be. Allow the pain, in whatever adversatie you may face, to arise if it needs to, be sad if that is what you feel, but find the joy in being here to experience it at all.

Take a moment to acknowledge the love that surrounds you, and the grace that supports you. You are beautiful just the way you are, right where you are.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said, my friend.