Imagine this: you were given life but not the "free will" to choose how you will live it. Imagine that you did not have the power to choose how you treated the people around you, even yourself, what you took , or din't take from life experiences, who you choose to spend your time with, if you were devoted to your higher purpose, or not, if you pursued your dreams, or not, or simply how you lived your life in general.
Sit with that thought for a moment. How does that feel to you? When we stop to think about what it would be like to not have a choice as to how we will live our lives, we can appreciate more deeply just how beautiful the gift of "free will" is.
Although we may not choose, at all times, what life may bring to us, who may come into our lives, and go out of it, we still have "free will". We have the power to choose how we will interact with the majestic and divine experience that we call, "life"; even in places of the world where it may be limited to ones inner journey alone.
Think about it: you have the power to choose how you will live your life! What does that look like to you? How does that make you feel? Most importantly, what will you do with it?
May you find clarity in the choices that will best nurture your higher purpose of being.
You are valued!
Many Blessings- RRIII
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Heaven on Earth
Most ideas of heaven, have been categorized as a place/destination beyond where we are. Regardless of what our religious beliefs may be on the concept of heaven, or life after death in general, it is more than just a place to be found beyone this life.
Often times, when we think of heaven, we think of a place free of worries, pain, and suffering. It is considered to be a place that we will experience freedom; our ultimate bliss, if you will.
Heaven is not just a place you end up after you pass on from this life. Heaven can be found in the essence of who you are - now. If we trust in all things/experiences to be a part of a higher good, then we can free ourselves from the concerns, worries, and self-inflicted suffering that may be caused from them. If we honor our selves, pursue the higher purpose in who we are, give our best in all that we do, we can release the burdens of this world, and in doing that, we can find a piece of heaven on earth - in our hearts.
In knowing that you are exactly where you need to be, you know all is well just as you are, whre you are. When we allow ourselves to feel the divinity in where we are - always- we can feel the essence of the part of heaven/god/source/universe/love/peace/joy/bliss that is in us, right where we are.
May your day be filled with joy!
Often times, when we think of heaven, we think of a place free of worries, pain, and suffering. It is considered to be a place that we will experience freedom; our ultimate bliss, if you will.
Heaven is not just a place you end up after you pass on from this life. Heaven can be found in the essence of who you are - now. If we trust in all things/experiences to be a part of a higher good, then we can free ourselves from the concerns, worries, and self-inflicted suffering that may be caused from them. If we honor our selves, pursue the higher purpose in who we are, give our best in all that we do, we can release the burdens of this world, and in doing that, we can find a piece of heaven on earth - in our hearts.
In knowing that you are exactly where you need to be, you know all is well just as you are, whre you are. When we allow ourselves to feel the divinity in where we are - always- we can feel the essence of the part of heaven/god/source/universe/love/peace/joy/bliss that is in us, right where we are.
May your day be filled with joy!
Monday, October 19, 2009
If we continue to allow our religious beliefs, job titles, financial status, genders, and/or sexual preference, to serparate us from one another we will never truly know the oneness that we are all here to share. It is great to take pride/ownership in who we are, and what we believe in, but not so much so if we don't honor one another in the process.
No matter which category we may be placed in, or are attracted to the most, it does not define who we are, or make us any better than any one else. If we take away the walls that divide us, we will see that we are all one in the same.
In truth: we do not have to believe in the same GOD, or adopt the same means of worship, have to be of the same race, live in the same neighborhood, and/or vote for the same people to appreciate the divinity in who we are.
No matter who you are, or what you believe in, I HONOR YOU.
In oneness and love for who you are- Ricky Roberts III
No matter which category we may be placed in, or are attracted to the most, it does not define who we are, or make us any better than any one else. If we take away the walls that divide us, we will see that we are all one in the same.
In truth: we do not have to believe in the same GOD, or adopt the same means of worship, have to be of the same race, live in the same neighborhood, and/or vote for the same people to appreciate the divinity in who we are.
No matter who you are, or what you believe in, I HONOR YOU.
In oneness and love for who you are- Ricky Roberts III
Monday, August 31, 2009
I went to a friends funeral today. It was a beautiful ceremony, celebrating his life and acknowledging the positive impact that he had on so many people. Before going to the service I could not help but to think of the many people that I have personally known to pass on, from their worldly existence. The causes of their physical death varied from drug over doses, gun shot wounds, car, motorcycle, and boating accidents, fist fights, stab wounds, and heart attacks. In this reflection I could not help but to honor the many dances with fate that I have had.
I have walked away from multiple car wrecks, including one at one-hundred twenty-five miles per hour, been shot at more than once, had more fist fights than I can remember, and survived being stabbed nine-times. There are times that I think of my friends and/or family members that have passed, and although I value the divinity in all that is, I ask: why am I still here, and they are not? Am I any more worthy of life than them? Are they being punished? Do I have more purpose than they do, or did? ABSOLUTELY NOT! We are all equal in the worth we uphold for the gift of life that we have, and the importance of us being here, no matter how short or long our time may be.
No matter when the time comes for us to leave our shell, or what the cause may be, it can occur at any moment, without any warning at all. You, or your loved ones, will not get a phone call asking if you are ready to go. It happens as it does, when it does, and why it does, FOR A REASON.
Although it is hard not to question why we loose people, in the physical sense, when we do, we must remind ourselves that there is a greater purpose at work, always. There is no mistake that you are here and they are not. They are not being punished because they passed on, and neither are you, regardless of how much you may think so otherwise. We will not always know the reason for events in our life, as they happen, but we will always know the answer to one questions: "why are we here?" WE are here to LIVE! Just as the people who pass on do because it is their time, we are still here because it is ours. It is their time to leave and it is ours to stay. When it is time for you to go, that you will do, but until then you are here now, to LIVE.
The question is: "HOW WILL YOU LIVE?"
Many Blessings- RRIII
I have walked away from multiple car wrecks, including one at one-hundred twenty-five miles per hour, been shot at more than once, had more fist fights than I can remember, and survived being stabbed nine-times. There are times that I think of my friends and/or family members that have passed, and although I value the divinity in all that is, I ask: why am I still here, and they are not? Am I any more worthy of life than them? Are they being punished? Do I have more purpose than they do, or did? ABSOLUTELY NOT! We are all equal in the worth we uphold for the gift of life that we have, and the importance of us being here, no matter how short or long our time may be.
No matter when the time comes for us to leave our shell, or what the cause may be, it can occur at any moment, without any warning at all. You, or your loved ones, will not get a phone call asking if you are ready to go. It happens as it does, when it does, and why it does, FOR A REASON.
Although it is hard not to question why we loose people, in the physical sense, when we do, we must remind ourselves that there is a greater purpose at work, always. There is no mistake that you are here and they are not. They are not being punished because they passed on, and neither are you, regardless of how much you may think so otherwise. We will not always know the reason for events in our life, as they happen, but we will always know the answer to one questions: "why are we here?" WE are here to LIVE! Just as the people who pass on do because it is their time, we are still here because it is ours. It is their time to leave and it is ours to stay. When it is time for you to go, that you will do, but until then you are here now, to LIVE.
The question is: "HOW WILL YOU LIVE?"
Many Blessings- RRIII
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Enjoy the RIDE!
Whether it be in the ocean, or on the shore, we are all riding the wave of life. There are times when the swell is just right. The winds are offshore, the direction is perfect, the sun is shining, and the swell is big. Although the swell is just right, it doesn't always mean every wave will be an "easy" ride. Some waves will line up, just right, some waves will even barell, but some waves will close out on your head, gobble you up, and spit you out. Whether or not the wave is to our liking, there is always another wave behind it to give us something different.
As a surfer, I surf different swells. Some may be better than others, but I always enjoy the opportunity to be in the water! Our seasons in life are a lot like the different swells that come our way to surf. Each one is unique in their own right, and has something different to offer us each time. Although there are times they may appear to be similiar, we will always come to each one, in the way that we are when they reach us.
Years ago, when I was stabbed, I layed in the hospital bed with the thought of dieing and feeling what it would be like to pass on. There was a chaplin that came to me that night. He said, "everything will be okay." There was a peace that filled me up, that I never felt before that moment. From that time on, I knew, as long as I am here, everything will be okay, no matter how hard times may seem. He never said, "everything will be easy," he said, "everything will be okay."
Life was never promised to be "easy." NOT every swell will be epic, and not every wave will open up with perfection. We will get tossed over the falls, we will get pinned under water, and we may even get washed to shore. No matter what the wave of life brings to you, give thanks that you have the opportunity to ride it. Look for the beauty and perfection in each wave no matter how disorganized or choppy it may be. Although life is not said to be easy, it can be experienced in joy, even in the most difficult times. There is something to be said for you being here, now, just as you are. THIS day, this moment, is the gift in why you are here. YOU are above the surface, you are here to ride yet another wave, in the midst of another swell (season of your life). NO matter how it may be reaching you, be thankful that it is reaching you at all.
Many Blessings- RRIII
As a surfer, I surf different swells. Some may be better than others, but I always enjoy the opportunity to be in the water! Our seasons in life are a lot like the different swells that come our way to surf. Each one is unique in their own right, and has something different to offer us each time. Although there are times they may appear to be similiar, we will always come to each one, in the way that we are when they reach us.
Years ago, when I was stabbed, I layed in the hospital bed with the thought of dieing and feeling what it would be like to pass on. There was a chaplin that came to me that night. He said, "everything will be okay." There was a peace that filled me up, that I never felt before that moment. From that time on, I knew, as long as I am here, everything will be okay, no matter how hard times may seem. He never said, "everything will be easy," he said, "everything will be okay."
Life was never promised to be "easy." NOT every swell will be epic, and not every wave will open up with perfection. We will get tossed over the falls, we will get pinned under water, and we may even get washed to shore. No matter what the wave of life brings to you, give thanks that you have the opportunity to ride it. Look for the beauty and perfection in each wave no matter how disorganized or choppy it may be. Although life is not said to be easy, it can be experienced in joy, even in the most difficult times. There is something to be said for you being here, now, just as you are. THIS day, this moment, is the gift in why you are here. YOU are above the surface, you are here to ride yet another wave, in the midst of another swell (season of your life). NO matter how it may be reaching you, be thankful that it is reaching you at all.
Many Blessings- RRIII
Friday, July 24, 2009
We all have a value much greater than we acknowledge in our daily living, in most cases. Not only do we not honor the value in us, we do not respect the value of each other, nearly enough.
In one way or another, we are all giving and receiving from one another. The reflections that I share may give to you, just as what you do may gives to me. Often times, we forget, or don’t know enough, to validate the significance of who we are as well as that of whom someone else may be, regardless of how big, or little, we think ours or their purpose is.
Although we may have different positions in our society, within the boundaries and categories that we have created, we are equally important in the participation of our existence, for it to be at all.
Whether you are a homeless person walking down the road, a doctor in the emergency room, a clerk at the supermarket, a preacher in the church, a technician at the repair shop, a yoga teacher at the studio, a buddhist monk at the temple, a person fixing a hole in the road, a teacher, a bank teller, a tree-trimmer, a server at the restaurant, a police officer, a custodian, or the person driving the city bus, you all have the same value.
Regardless of what your perception of your value may be, or what you are made to feel like it is, because of the title, or position you may operate in; you are a person of VALUE AND WORTH- just as you are. The person who appears to be of more value because of the title they hold, has no more value than the person that doesn't hold one at all. WE ARE ALL ONE.. With out you, I would not be me, and with out me, you would not be you. In one way or another we have something to give to one another, whether it is directly or indirectly. Each one of us has a significant role to play in the midst of all that is. Just by being you, you bring LIFE to this existence, and for that you are beautiful.
Where ever you are, you have the opportunity to share joy with others and remind them of their value, and in that you will be reminded of yours.
Many Blessings- Ricky Roberts III
We all have a value much greater than we acknowledge in our daily living, in most cases. Not only do we not honor the value in us, we do not respect the value of each other, nearly enough.
In one way or another, we are all giving and receiving from one another. The reflections that I share may give to you, just as what you do may gives to me. Often times, we forget, or don’t know enough, to validate the significance of who we are as well as that of whom someone else may be, regardless of how big, or little, we think ours or their purpose is.
Although we may have different positions in our society, within the boundaries and categories that we have created, we are equally important in the participation of our existence, for it to be at all.
Whether you are a homeless person walking down the road, a doctor in the emergency room, a clerk at the supermarket, a preacher in the church, a technician at the repair shop, a yoga teacher at the studio, a buddhist monk at the temple, a person fixing a hole in the road, a teacher, a bank teller, a tree-trimmer, a server at the restaurant, a police officer, a custodian, or the person driving the city bus, you all have the same value.
Regardless of what your perception of your value may be, or what you are made to feel like it is, because of the title, or position you may operate in; you are a person of VALUE AND WORTH- just as you are. The person who appears to be of more value because of the title they hold, has no more value than the person that doesn't hold one at all. WE ARE ALL ONE.. With out you, I would not be me, and with out me, you would not be you. In one way or another we have something to give to one another, whether it is directly or indirectly. Each one of us has a significant role to play in the midst of all that is. Just by being you, you bring LIFE to this existence, and for that you are beautiful.
Where ever you are, you have the opportunity to share joy with others and remind them of their value, and in that you will be reminded of yours.
Many Blessings- Ricky Roberts III
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Often times we only do our best when someone is looking. We do good deeds for people when we will get recognition from others. We do our best at work when we are being evaluated, and/or to get a raise, we do our best in school because of the benefit in getting good grades, we donate money for tax breaks, we help the homeless because we are acknowledged as kind, we perform in sports to win a medal or trophy, and we are even good to our loved ones just to get something in return from them.
How much of what we do is simply just for the sake of doing it. Who are we when no one is looking? What if we didn't get anything in return from anything that we did? What if there was no external reward, or acknowledgment, of the good deeds that you do, the love that you give, or accomplishments that you make? How much of what you do, would you still do?
We have built our society on doing everything with the expectation of getting something in return. Whether we realize it or not, it's there. Whether it be a trophy, financial rewards, or another persons acknowledgement, we desire recognition from outside sources in order for us to do good.
Naturally, I seek the acknowledgement and appreciate it just the same as you. It feels good to be rewarded and appreciated for the efforts that we make in this world. The universe/god honors all of our efforts, all of the time, and will give back to us in the same way that we give to the world. The highest form of gratification that we can get from the goodness that we share can be found within. Although it may feel good to be noticed from an outside source, the beauty comes in knowing the only recognition that we truly need is within the essence of who we are.
Do what is right because it feels good to do it. Welcome, and humbly except recognition of your efforts, whatever they may be, but let it not be the reasons in which you do what you do. Love because it feels good to you, help because it feels right to you, do your best because you know no other way, and give freely because you know the universe gives freely to you.
LOVE/LIGHT- Ricky Roberts III
Monday, July 6, 2009
SO MANY TIMES..................
There are so many times, in our lives, that we say: “I will call him/her back- tomorrow, I will start eating better- tomorrow, I will start pursuing my dreams- tomorrow, I will start painting (or whatever else you have always wanted to try)- tomorrow, I will plan my vacation- tomorrow, I will “be better”- tomorrow, I will apologize-tomorrow, or I will tell them “I LOVE YOU”- tomorrow.
The thought of tomorrow is just that, a thought. There are so many times in our life when we think it can wait until tomorrow, but the truth is, TODAY is the only day we have to do it.
Today (JULY 6th) is my younger sister Tammie’s birthday. Tammie passed away at the age of twenty-four about 8th months ago from an overdose on oxycordone. I spoke to her on the phone the day before she passed on from this life. At the time that she called, I only made about five-minutes to talk to her before I said, “I’ll call you back later.” When “later” came, it slipped my mind to call her back. “Later” then turned into, “I’ll call her back tomorrow.” The first phone call that I got in the morning was from my mother, crying hysterically, saying: “She’s dead! Tammie is dead!” It took a few minutes for me to process exactly what she was saying, but after I did, I realized, I will never be given the opportunity, in the physical sense, to call her back “later” or “tomorrow.”
Through out my life, I have been shown time and time again just how fragile life is. This moment, right now, is all that we can ever truly know. In this moment, let all of your pain slip away, let your worries rest, and let your anger toward anyone go. Be here. Feel this breath, and know that this moment, right now, is all that you can ever truly know. No matter how this day, or moment may be reaching you, know that you are blessed for it to be reaching you at all.
Call your friends, plan your vacation, try something new, pursue your dreams, apologize to those your hurt, forgive the ones that hurt you, eat better, be better, live better, and say: "I LOVE YOU." Most importantly, do it TODAY.
Whether I ever have the opportunity to thank you directly or not, take this blog as a sign of that thanks. No matter how directly, or indirectly, you may be connected to my life, I appreciate the part that you play in it, just by being here now.
Ricky Roberts III
The thought of tomorrow is just that, a thought. There are so many times in our life when we think it can wait until tomorrow, but the truth is, TODAY is the only day we have to do it.
Today (JULY 6th) is my younger sister Tammie’s birthday. Tammie passed away at the age of twenty-four about 8th months ago from an overdose on oxycordone. I spoke to her on the phone the day before she passed on from this life. At the time that she called, I only made about five-minutes to talk to her before I said, “I’ll call you back later.” When “later” came, it slipped my mind to call her back. “Later” then turned into, “I’ll call her back tomorrow.” The first phone call that I got in the morning was from my mother, crying hysterically, saying: “She’s dead! Tammie is dead!” It took a few minutes for me to process exactly what she was saying, but after I did, I realized, I will never be given the opportunity, in the physical sense, to call her back “later” or “tomorrow.”
Through out my life, I have been shown time and time again just how fragile life is. This moment, right now, is all that we can ever truly know. In this moment, let all of your pain slip away, let your worries rest, and let your anger toward anyone go. Be here. Feel this breath, and know that this moment, right now, is all that you can ever truly know. No matter how this day, or moment may be reaching you, know that you are blessed for it to be reaching you at all.
Call your friends, plan your vacation, try something new, pursue your dreams, apologize to those your hurt, forgive the ones that hurt you, eat better, be better, live better, and say: "I LOVE YOU." Most importantly, do it TODAY.
Whether I ever have the opportunity to thank you directly or not, take this blog as a sign of that thanks. No matter how directly, or indirectly, you may be connected to my life, I appreciate the part that you play in it, just by being here now.
Ricky Roberts III
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Often times when we think of commitment, we think of our commitment to our jobs, relationships, children- if we have them, and/or teams, groups, or committees we may be on. Although these commitments are valuable, they need to be an extension of our commitment to self, not the other way around.
In most cases everything that we devote so much of our energy and focus on, is something outside of whom we are. In order for us to serve our highest good in the things that we commit to, we must first learn to commit to ourselves.
Take a moment to center yourself in where you are, right now. How do you feel about your life? Is there anything that you can do to improve it? If so, what keeps you from taking action to do them? Are you living your truth? Are you on your path? How rooted are you in your spiritual development, what ever that means to you? Are you seeking your higher purpose? Do you know how much potential you truly have?
If we are not fully committed to materializing our fullest potential, we can never be fully committed to anything, or anyone. Before you can be the best employee, husband/wife, mother/father, community/team/church member, teacher, student, and/or etc., you must first know who you truly are at your best.
When we allow ourselves to commit fully to who we are, we will come to know the essence of why we’re here, and in that we will find our true connection to GOD.
May your heart be filled with joy- Ricky Roberts III
In most cases everything that we devote so much of our energy and focus on, is something outside of whom we are. In order for us to serve our highest good in the things that we commit to, we must first learn to commit to ourselves.
Take a moment to center yourself in where you are, right now. How do you feel about your life? Is there anything that you can do to improve it? If so, what keeps you from taking action to do them? Are you living your truth? Are you on your path? How rooted are you in your spiritual development, what ever that means to you? Are you seeking your higher purpose? Do you know how much potential you truly have?
If we are not fully committed to materializing our fullest potential, we can never be fully committed to anything, or anyone. Before you can be the best employee, husband/wife, mother/father, community/team/church member, teacher, student, and/or etc., you must first know who you truly are at your best.
When we allow ourselves to commit fully to who we are, we will come to know the essence of why we’re here, and in that we will find our true connection to GOD.
May your heart be filled with joy- Ricky Roberts III
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
A DREAM.....
A dream, as defined by webster, is: a strongly desired goal or purpose. If we leave a dream simply as a desired goal or purpose, according to its definition, then what will it become? What is a goal and/or purpose if it does not have the action to follow. It is just a dream, nothing more.
At some point in our life we have all had a dream. The question is: whether, or not, we have pursued it. I say to you: whatever your dream, or dreams may be, think about how you can put it, or them, into action. The difference between you and the person, "living the dream" is the efforts that they have applied in pursuing it. If your heart is calling you to do something, do it. Keep in mind, this pursuit will not always be easy, and may take years to reach, and may not even be reached in the exact way that you wanted. However, if you never pursue it, you will never know the outcome. Trust in the visions that come to you, surrender to the support that surrounds you, and take action in "living the dream".
A dream will always be just a dream if it's not pursued.....
Blessings- RRIII
At some point in our life we have all had a dream. The question is: whether, or not, we have pursued it. I say to you: whatever your dream, or dreams may be, think about how you can put it, or them, into action. The difference between you and the person, "living the dream" is the efforts that they have applied in pursuing it. If your heart is calling you to do something, do it. Keep in mind, this pursuit will not always be easy, and may take years to reach, and may not even be reached in the exact way that you wanted. However, if you never pursue it, you will never know the outcome. Trust in the visions that come to you, surrender to the support that surrounds you, and take action in "living the dream".
A dream will always be just a dream if it's not pursued.....
Blessings- RRIII
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Change is a universal truth and a natural occurrence that allows all things to become what they will, including us. Although change is a natural occurrence, it is not always welcomed. Whether it is a job, a relationship, the lost of a love one, a living situation, finances, or traditions, that are changing, we resist it when it occurs. Unfortunately, our resistance to change is what will hinder us from becoming what we are meant to. When we resist change we are resisting the universe/god from bringing us to where we need to be. Whether it is an answer to a prayer, or a manifestation of an intention, things are brought to us in the way of change. In order for our blessings to come to us, things must shift to make room for them.
Even when we are able to except change for what it is and acknowledge it as something that is inevitable, it doesn’t make it any easier, at times, to honor. Change isn’t always the most graceful thing to experience. In fact, often times, it comes out of nowhere, with no warning, and pulls the rug from beneath you.
Whether it is change that appears to be good, or bad, we must honor it as part of the divine order that is working in our life. However you may acknowledge your higher power, if you do so at all, have peace in knowing that all things are working toward the same direction, which is a higher good; no matter how hard they may seem at the time.
Take a moment to think of your favorite tree; visualize its power and beauty. Think about the age of that tree and how much change it has endured to be what you now see it as. Think about the many branches that it has lost, and the many storms that it has weathered. Now, think of this: the same magic that has created that tree, is the same magic that has created you, and the same way change has made that tree what it is today, it has made you what you are just the same. You are exactly where you need to be.
Even when we are able to except change for what it is and acknowledge it as something that is inevitable, it doesn’t make it any easier, at times, to honor. Change isn’t always the most graceful thing to experience. In fact, often times, it comes out of nowhere, with no warning, and pulls the rug from beneath you.
Whether it is change that appears to be good, or bad, we must honor it as part of the divine order that is working in our life. However you may acknowledge your higher power, if you do so at all, have peace in knowing that all things are working toward the same direction, which is a higher good; no matter how hard they may seem at the time.
Take a moment to think of your favorite tree; visualize its power and beauty. Think about the age of that tree and how much change it has endured to be what you now see it as. Think about the many branches that it has lost, and the many storms that it has weathered. Now, think of this: the same magic that has created that tree, is the same magic that has created you, and the same way change has made that tree what it is today, it has made you what you are just the same. You are exactly where you need to be.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Give Thanks
Through out my life I have been faced with many adversaties, as so many of us have. What may be a challenge for some, may not seem like one for others. Eitherway, we must have compassion for the "challenges" that each of us face. We all have our own journey to travel. Wherever it may take you, or it may take me, we must give thanks to be here. Often times, we can't control what life may bring to us, but we can however, choose how we experience it.
On this day, give thanks just to be. Allow the pain, in whatever adversatie you may face, to arise if it needs to, be sad if that is what you feel, but find the joy in being here to experience it at all.
Take a moment to acknowledge the love that surrounds you, and the grace that supports you. You are beautiful just the way you are, right where you are.
On this day, give thanks just to be. Allow the pain, in whatever adversatie you may face, to arise if it needs to, be sad if that is what you feel, but find the joy in being here to experience it at all.
Take a moment to acknowledge the love that surrounds you, and the grace that supports you. You are beautiful just the way you are, right where you are.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Often times, when we think of judgement we associate it, only, with passing it on others. Another dynamic of it, however, is: the judgement of the experiences that we are given.
When we experience something that is contrary to the story that we create, or the attachments to them, "it's bad." If something does play out in the direction we want, "it's good." We judge an experience as "good" or "bad" depending on what we think is best for us. If we truly trust in a higher power, in whatever form we choose to honor it, to guide us, we must trust that power at all times. It is not our place to judge the experience as "good" or "bad", anymore then it is to judge another person.
It is the judgement of people and experiences that keep us from truly appreciating the divine work at hand, in every moment that we're given. There are no mistakes in the experiences that you have. Whether they be "good" or "bad", they are another part of the masterpiece being created, YOUR LIFE. Naturally we will feel sad, happy, let down, put up, abandoned, supported, and etc. . However, we are not to judge the experiences that stimulate our feelings, whether they are easy to go through, or not. Although it may be normal for us to question why we must endure things that make us sad, we must find the joy in them in the same way that we find it in the things that make us happy. The same grace that you feel when everything is going "just right" is the same grace that is with you when you feel like everything is "wrong." Either way, you are supported!
Where ever you are, or whatever you may be experiencing in this moment, I wish you well. Seek the higher good in all that is and you will find comfort in all that will be. May your heart be filled with peace and joy.
Many Blessings- RRIII
Friday, April 17, 2009

Faith is to have complete trust. It is in the center of who we are, whether we acknowledge it or not, or what we acknowledge it through. It is what gives us the strength to carry on no matter what we may face in our life.
No matter how rooted we are in our faith, at times, our egos will conflict with it. Often times we don't want to let go of our ideas for what is right or wrong for us, or the outcome of a particular situation. We can easily have faith/complete trust in some areas of our life,but not so much in others. To truly have FAITH we must have complete trust at all times and in all experiences, no matter how much they may hurt us at the time we are going through them.
GOD does not participate in some experiences and not the others. There is no discrimination in the love that is given to us. We are guided at all, and in all, times, experiences, circumstances, and places. Find your faith in knowing that all things are working in the same direction, toward your higher purpose of being.
No matter how rooted we are in our faith, at times, our egos will conflict with it. Often times we don't want to let go of our ideas for what is right or wrong for us, or the outcome of a particular situation. We can easily have faith/complete trust in some areas of our life,but not so much in others. To truly have FAITH we must have complete trust at all times and in all experiences, no matter how much they may hurt us at the time we are going through them.
GOD does not participate in some experiences and not the others. There is no discrimination in the love that is given to us. We are guided at all, and in all, times, experiences, circumstances, and places. Find your faith in knowing that all things are working in the same direction, toward your higher purpose of being.
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